The recent government announcement to use Centre Assessed Grades rather than the Ofqual algorithm for A’ levels and GCSE qualifications has attracted a considerable amount of publicity. The media has also highlighted some concerns with vocational qualifications.
I would like to confirm and reassure our learners that no results issued by FDQ in the award of FDQ qualifications summer 2020 used any form of algorithm.
Some FDQ Approved Centres have used adapted assessment and some also have provided Centre Assessed Grades. My recent communication (12th August 2020) included information on how results for FDQ qualifications were awarded in summer 2020. The document includes which qualifications were affected and how FDQ ensured results were fair and valid. Ofqual has also provide some additional information.
If you have not yet received your qualification results, please contact your college or training provider who will be able to help.
To all our FDQ learners who have achieved qualifications this year well done and best of luck in your next steps, into employment or further education.