Josh Huitson, completed his Butchery apprenticeship on the 10th November 2021 and received a Pass with Excellence. This is the highest grade a learner can receive on this apprenticeship standard. Read the full news story to find out more about Josh’s journey and his top tip for succeeding at End-point Assessment.
Josh Huitson (20) first became interested in butchery in his previous career as a Game Keeper. In this role he was in charge of looking after Game birds and processing these for retail sale. Josh decided he wanted something different for his career and after doing his own research came across the Level 2 Butchery Apprenticeship. He then got in touch with Optimum Skills a training provider with FDQ and began his on-the-job training. Speaking to FDQ Josh said that he thoroughly enjoyed his apprenticeship programme as it was work based, which challenged him daily. He also enjoyed doing his own research on topics during his apprenticeship, to gain a wider range of butchery knowledge so he could learn every detail possible for his End-point Assessment (EPA).
Josh ensured that he carried out as many mock assessments he could before the real EPA took place. This helped to build his confidence with exam settings and helped him get used to the time constraints. Josh also used his day-to-day work to ensure his butchery skills were the best they could be leading up to his practical exam.
FDQ asked Josh for any tips that he could provide a butchery apprentice who is completing their EPA soon.
“For myself, the thing that helped me the most throughout my Apprenticeship was my interest in the field of butchery and my passion for the work I was doing. Attention to detail always helps too.”
FDQ take pride in knowing that we can provide support to Training Providers every step of the way. Josh said,
“FDQ and Optimum Skills ensured that I was well prepared for his EPA and I was aware of all elements of the examination and what they consisted of.” When asked how this helped him Josh, “This made me feel more relaxed on the day of the EPA.”
Another tip for putting yourself in the best position to be relaxed and succeed on the day is to set up your workstation the day before, Josh says. With everything needed for the practical part of his assessment in place he didn’t need to worry about this on the day and could focus solely on the EPA. Josh also told FDQ that his Independent Butchery Examiner helped him with his nerves, as she was very “welcoming and reassuring” throughout the assessment, which made him feel at ease and relaxed at all times. The examiner was also “patient” and Josh didn’t feel as though he needed to rush at any point in his EPA, so he was able to take his time and perfect the work he had done.
Finally, FDQ asked Josh what his plans for the future are now he has successfully completed his apprenticeship. Josh is keen to stay working in the butchery field and would like to complete either an Advanced Butcher apprenticeship or qualifications in specialised butchery areas, to challenge and expand his knowledge even further.